Through a partnership with Benefit Partners Technology, Wheaton College students can access personal assistance enrolling in an individual BlueCross Blue Shield of Illinois ACA health insurance plan or a United Healthcare individual short-term plan. 

Please call for assistance in finding the right plan for you.  Call our Student Support Team at (877) 247-8817.

Individual Health Insurance

Open enrollment for ACA plans is November 1 – January 15. Certain qualifying life events may make you eligible for a special enrollment.  Please call our office for more information.

  • Meets all requirements of the Affordable Care Act
  • Free Preventative Care such as vaccines, screenings and some routine exams 
  • Covers Pre-existing conditions 

Click here to enroll in an ACA Health Insurance Plan with BlueCross BlueShield.

Questions? Call us at (877) 247-8811

Short Term Health Insurance

Enroll at any time!

You can get immediate coverage with Short Term Health Insurance, including many of the same benefits as an ACA compliant plan for a fraction of the cost. Short Term Health Insurance does not cover pre-existing conditions but may be a great option during a time of transition.

Click here for a quote and to enroll in a Short Term Health Insurance plan.

Questions? Call us at (877) 247-8817